Friday, August 27, 2010

Panic! At The Disco - Nine In The Afternoon

I love this song. it speaks happiness.

Art and School and This Creative Title

Well. I've been sculpting. I rather enjoy it. It's so relaxing to start again. I haven't felt this rich earthy clay in my paws since may. I love and savor my creations just a tad more when i can make them real so to speak. I like them. My creations. Creatures, faces, splices. I savor their details as I create them. When looking at something I've just created it's so much easier for me to understand God's loving nature. It just makes sense. I can't help but smile at my pride for the things I've made. I think it's pretty cool that his love is that much more than my minor love for art. We are actually functioning, and madly complex! What a wonder. - So now that school has started I'm slightly overwhelmed, but i LOVE it. my classes are such horrorshow. if you don't know what that means read this: .
-My Schedule-

1-2: Strength Traning
3-4 :Humanities H
5-6: Drawing
7: Lunch
8-9: Chemistry
10-11: Alg 2
12-13: Studio Art AP
14-15: Psychology

Humanities is OMAZING. So much so, I need to substitute the a with an o. Humanities is a class where instead of being concerned about character development, and plot, we focus on what the author wanted us to get out of the book, we discuss, debate and pose complex questions about the piece. We are reading Plato, Socrates and some other great philosophers, and I gobble it up like a greedy 3 year-old and candy.

Studio Art AP is great, basically what we do is create a portfolio filled with artwork and we ship some of it off to the AP organization, I have no clue what it's called, and it may be possible to get out of the freshman basic entry level art class in college. That'd be pretty nice and helpful too, to clear up space fro other classes. As of  the first day we were assigned to do 7 "quick" exercises for each of the design elements. those would be: line, shape, form, color, value, texture and space. I've only done the first two and all 7 are due on Monday. cool. Ms. Wink has a habit of giving us work with very little time to do it. I don't like my second at all and i LOVE my first. I'm pretty sure i'll scan it and upload it with and edit it in to this post.

Some of my other classes are cool, others just ok. These are my favorite two, I don't feel like talking about any of the others.

This has been a post by Cliff Martin. see you next time, kids.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Smoking Popes cover of Pure Imagination

8 days

At the start of this blog, I blogged about getting things done before summer started.
Well right now I still have a ton too do before it can end.
Procrastination, my best friend.
In the next 8 days I must
1. Finish The Plague of Math that's kept me struggling for 3 years.
2. Do 5 life drawings for Studio Art AP

3. Take at least 40 pictures for Studio Art AP
4. Read an entire novel

5. Go to school and finalize my schedule.
6. Sort through my old school work bin, so they can verify my hsu credits
7. Shop for supplies
8 days before it starts.

To whom it may concern, I will be stressed this week, if you wish to pray for me, please do, I'm gonna need it.